WIGS OUT: The ADPROS' Funkadelik Year Ender

The ADPROS' Funkadelic Year-ender
About the Event:
Our organization's year-end party with disco 80's as a theme.

2022 has been quite a roller coaster ride (we know a lot of you couldn't agree more).
If your 2022 were a song title, what would it be? Tell us below (we might even make a Spotify playlist just to get you through the last days of 2022 oooh ).
We cannot deny how receiving gifts makes us wanna dance even without a beat (given all the slopes we've been through this year, we deserve it!)
Do you have a hint of what you'll receive? Check out what gift we predict you'll receive this coming holiday.
Drop what you've got below for the universe to see (you never know, it might turn predictions into reality ).
lace a food in front and we would surely be glad to devour it (like who wouldn't?)—that's how we are fond of foods. Especially during holiday parties, where dishes are at its grandest taste and presentation ooooh heaven
But what if in a broad arrangement of "handa", you were only allowed to eat one from each pair, which would you choose? This or That?
Take your pick and share your answer on your story. Don't forget to tag @pupadpros!
We are about to slay the back-in-the-days...

Wigging out soon!
Whip out those bell-bottom jeans and put on some bling, ADPROS is ending this year with one helluva bang!
After a fruitful year of ADjourneys and ADventures, we will always find our way to the dancefloor!
Happy groovin' and we hope to see you there!
OBS Layout
Seems like we're packing up with big smiles & happy hearts
As we wrap up the Funkadelic Party, we would like to send our gratitude to all the attendees and organizers.
We hope you had a blast today (with all the prizes, we sure you did ).
It's been an incredible year as we've seen our community grow and grow.
We would like to extend a huge gratitude to the amazing team behind this year's Year-end Party.
It's been an all-hands-on-deck for us. We hope you get a chance to relax and celebrate the holidays, as you deserve it!
WIGS OUT: The ADPROS' Funkadelik Year Ender

WIGS OUT: The ADPROS' Funkadelik Year Ender

2022 Year-end Party of ADPROS where we celebrate our hard work for the past whole year
